Table of Contents

Mirror from

These are some simple things, don’t expect anything fancy. Also, realize that most of these things can be done multiple ways and with multiple languages. Sometimes to achieve the effect you desire you’ll need to combine them or add extra code.

Commands you should know

You should know, or at least be aware of all these commands. You don’t need to memorize their usage, you can always read the man pages.

Network tools

Other programs

Simple command line tips

[unix]$ for i in `ls *mp3`; do cp $i $i.bak; done
[unix]$ ls *mp3 | while read i; do cp "$i" "$i with more spaces"; done
[unix]$ echo filename | sed 's/file/another/'
[unix]$ sed -e 's/oldtext/newtext/' -i file1 file2 file3 ...
[unix]$ sed -e '/pattern/ d' -i file1 file2 file3 ...
[unix]$ echo FilENamE | tr A-Z a-z

This handles a colored ls (hence the quotes around ls), but you can use any file list output (e.g. find) and names with spaces (hence the while read and not the for).

[unix]$ "ls" | while read name; do mv "$name" "`echo $name | tr A-Z a-z`"; done
[unix]$ man man | col -b
[linux]$ netstat -apne --inet
[freebsd]$ sockstat
[linux]$ lsof
[freebsd]$ fstat
[unix]$ host
[unix]$ dig -x
[unix]$ whois -h
[unix]$ dig mx
[linux]$ touch logfile-`date -dyesterday '+%Y-%m-%d'`
[freebsd]$ touch logfile-`date -v-1d '+%Y-%m-%d'`