====== Useful commands ====== = Performance = top ; shows running processes; 'c' = see process details; '1' = show processor cores; 'k' = kill a process 'A' = show many windows; 'a,w' = navigate windows; 'z' = color; 'x' = highlight sort col shift-w = save it too your .toprc = Finding Stuff = find / -name "file_name" -print ; find file name from root directory path (/) find . -user root ; find files owned by root user, in current directory (.) locate -i fstab ; find file name in database that keeps track of filenames find . -type f -user zenoss -name "*.py" -exec grep -il "blah" {} \; ; find text "blah" in .py files belonging to zenoss user locate Data.fs | xargs ls -l ; xargs to pipe results of one command to another find ./ -name '*py' | xargs grep signal ; Find string "signal" inside text of .py files; xargs looks inside the files instead of at the file name grep -ir "timeout" . ; find the string "timeout" in any file below the current dir = Various = screen ; lets you share screens with other people nano ; text editor that lets you use modern keyboard keys psql ; connect to postgres database in postgres command prompt /sbin/service postgresql restart ; restart the postgres server /sbin/service httpd restart ; restart the http/web server (ussually apache) ps axo pid,tty,stat,bsdstart,bsdtime,command ; list processes with time started and cpu time taken ps -aux ; easier process list, alsp try without the '-' ps -ef ; short columned process list (less fields returned) smbd & ; postfix with '&' to have it run in the background wget ; download a file from the web sar ; system activity reporter du -k ~ | more ; show disk usage (useful for over quota) for home directory du -h --max-depth=1 . | sort -rn ; show totalled directory sizes for current dir uname -m ; how to tell if linux is 32 or 64 bit - i386 or i686 then it is 32 bit, x86_64 is 64bit chkconfig ; services on / off crontab -l ; list the existing cron instances crontab -e ; add crontab entries for current user dmesg | more ; print out bootup messages / kernel ring buffer whoami ; tells you who you are currently logged in as su ; set user, often used to escalate to root to run something special cp -Rf /home/cvs/* /usbdrive/cvs/ ; backup, simple; recursive, force cp -Rfuv --reply=yes /home/cvs/* /usbdrive/cvs/ ; backup, update; copy new files only, verbose, dont ask overwrite dmesg | grep -i failed ; search bootup messages for failures ifconfig -a ; find IP address and other network details hostname ; show current machines hostname, also can set new one and do other stuff, see man page useradd, usermod ; add or modify user access rights, group rights (primary, secondary) alias ll='ls -la' ; make an alias for the long list command, now just type 'll'! unzip -ql file.zip ; see the zip files contents tar xvfz something.tgz ; untar a .tar.gz file tar -cjf wiki.121308.tar.bz2 ../wiki ; quick backup command to tar file nohup & ; "NO HangUP", runs a command continually in background, even if user who ran it logs out diff -qr /transit2/ /documents/transit2/ ; compare directories, do not show specific file differences, recursive chkconfig --list ; startup service information listing; shows which services are set to run at boot service smtpd status/stop/start ; Email service stop/start; /var/log/maillog for some debug info for i in *.txt; do mv "$i" `basename $i .txt`.doc; done ; Rename all txt files to doc /usr/bin/ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa server_name "ls" ; run command on another server and get results; id_dsa is ref to PKI login info... no passwd needed ps -A -o pid,state,command | grep D ; find process that's blocking due to IO wait ; 'D' is for Delayed processes, IO wait is most common cause = File System Manipulation = fuser -m /dev/md0 ; shows processes being used by device lsof /media/documents/ ; show list of files open lsof / | grep media ; in case above doesnt work, lsof seems to work better on root and then grep it out for what you need lsof +D /var/log/ ; list of files open under the given directory (recursive) (use +d for non-recurse) = Network Information = nslookup ; reverse DNS lookup; gives the hostname associated with the IP host -a www.google.com ; DNS lookup; gives IP associated with the hostname (verbose) dig ns zenoss.loc ; gives nameserver of domain netstat -anp | grep 8082 ; will tell you what process is listening at 8082, if any netstat -an | grep LIST ; show listening ports (LIST = LISTEN) tcpdump ip proto ICMP ; shows you what ping requests are being send and received, realtime tcpdump port 80 or port 443 ; shows traffic in and out on http and https echo “newhostname” > /proc/sys/kernel/hostname ; set new hostname on CentOS / RedHat netstat -rn ; routing table = Package Management = rpm -qa ; Packages installed on system rpm -qa | grep httpd* ; See if httpd is installed yum list installed httpd ; See if httpd is installed yum provides /etc/fstab ; name of the package which contains a particular file yum list ; lists information about available packages yum install gnote ; install gnote and all its dependancies patch < /patch/to/apply.diff patch -R --dry-run --verbose < patch.diff ; undo / backout a patch yast ; opensolaris / SLES package manager Also, checkout 'nachos' useful command KnowledgeBase: http://www.igso.net/nkb/Unix_Tips If link is lost, content is duplicated here: [[NachoKB]] ====== Command usage example ====== Below is a modified version of real shell commands from [[systems:paradocs:Technical Documentation#umbc_posting_daemon_restart|here]] ps ax | grep nps ; returns all currently running processes with the string 'nps' in it. See if one with a reference to 'umbc' in its name is running nano /etc/inittab ; opens a text editor for the inittab file. The [[inittab|http://www.netadmintools.com/html/inittab.man.html]] file describes which processes are started at bootup and during normal operation . Make sure that the line references the posting daemons are not commented out with a # cd /var/para/blah/ ; changes your current directory ls ; lists the files and directories in the current directory php blah_umbc_import.php ; executes the file nps_umbc_import.php . it goes into a endless loop; end it by hitting ctrl+C pwd ; print working directory. Shows you which dir you are currently in /sbin/telinit Q ; reestablish all inittab settings and processes ps ax ; look for the umbc referencing process in the resultant list \rm -r myDirectory ; remove the directory 'myDirectory' recursively and with no prompts while [[ 1 ]]; do echo $RANDOM; sleep .01; done ; Peg (use up) a single CPU core; modify the sleep to increase or decrease amount of CPU used